
杨 帆1 袁 野1 祝 贵1 孙玉坤1 孟凡斌2 南 钰2

(1. 江苏大学电气信息工程学院 镇江 212013 2. 国网河南省电力公司开封供电公司 开封 475000)

摘要 12/14磁悬浮开关磁阻电机悬浮系统磁通与多个转子齿铰链,导致悬浮系统的等效磁路在整个转子位置周期内具有变结构特征,需要提出新的建模方法,揭示全位置周期内的悬浮力动态变化特性。针对上述问题,该文基于有限元模型开展了12/14磁悬浮开关磁阻电机悬浮力电磁特性分析,明晰了转子位置动态变化下的悬浮系统磁通铰链规律。利用麦克斯韦应力法“区域性”建模优势,提出“主-边磁路并行解析”策略,构建了考虑磁通多齿铰链的全周期悬浮力数学模型。通过有限元分析的方法验证了模型优良特性。开展实验研究,结果表明,建立的悬浮力模型可以有效揭示12/14磁悬浮开关磁阻电机独特本体结构下的悬浮力特性,实现稳定悬浮,进一步验证了所提建模方法的可行性。该方法可以推广至一类具有悬浮系统磁通多齿铰链特征的磁悬浮开关磁阻电机建模研究中。

关键词:悬浮系统磁通 悬浮力建模 磁悬浮开关磁阻电机 麦克斯韦应力法 有限元分析

0 引言


磁悬浮支承系统作为飞轮电池的核心部件直接决定了飞轮电池的运行品质[3-6]。磁悬浮开关磁阻电机(Bearingless Switched Reluctance Motor, BSRM)是由开关磁阻电机和磁悬浮轴承高度集成而得的磁悬浮支承系统,既保留了传统开关磁阻电机调速范围宽、电磁损耗几乎不随转速升高而增大、机械强度大等优点,也具备了磁悬浮轴承可以提供两自由度悬浮的特点,在飞轮电池中具有广阔的应用前景。

20世纪末,日本学者先提出了双绕组BSRM[7],然而,双绕组BSRM存在悬浮-旋转强耦合的固有弊端。针对该问题,相继涌现出多类悬浮-旋转弱耦合的BSRM拓扑,代表性拓扑包括8/10宽窄极式、12/10宽窄极式、永磁偏置宽窄极式等[8-12]多类拓扑。8/10宽窄极式和12/10宽窄极式BSRM的悬浮力偏置磁场均采用了电励磁方式,悬浮功耗有待进一步降低。北京航空航天大学的王惠军等受偏置型磁悬浮轴承的启发,将永磁体引入BSRM定子轭,形成永磁偏置式BSRM[13-16],有效降低了悬浮系统功耗,而12/14 BSRM是永磁偏置式BSRM的代表性拓 扑[17-18],江苏大学、北京航空航天大学等高校开展了相关研究,研究重点主要集中于优化设计、温度场分析以及高性能控制器设计等方面[19-21]

在上述研究过程中,12/14 BSRM的悬浮系统普遍采用了简化模型,即将悬浮系统等效为磁悬浮轴承系统,悬浮系统磁通面积等效为窄极转子的横截面积,其数值为恒定值。然而,由于边缘磁通的存在,12/14 BSRM的悬浮系统磁通与多个转子凸极产生铰链,受到转子位置的动态约束,使得构建的悬浮力模型无法真实有效地反映出悬浮力随着转子位置动态变化的特征。

目前,考虑边缘磁通的BSRM悬浮力建模方法已有研究,研究对象普遍集中于双绕组式BSRM和单绕组式BSRM,但该类对象不存在悬浮系统磁通多齿铰链特征(悬浮系统磁通多齿铰链具有宽窄极结构的BSRM独特的特征),建模过程也仅考虑定子与单一转子齿之间磁通铰链。因此,针对具有磁通多齿铰链特征的12/14 BSRM,悬浮力建模方法需要进一步探索。

本文基于有限元分析模型,探明了12/14 BSRM悬浮系统磁通在全转子位置周期内与多个转子齿的铰链规律;依据麦克斯韦应力法[22]具备的区域性建模优势,提出“主-边磁路并行建模”策略,实现等效磁路“变结构”特征下数学模型构建,并通过有限元分析(Finite Element Analysis, FEA)和实验验证了建模方法的可行性和悬浮力模型的有效性。

1 12/14 BSRM拓扑与原理

12/14 BSRM基本拓扑如图1所示,包括共用凸极转子的转矩系统和悬浮系统。转矩系统定子为U形结构,利用磁阻原理产生转矩。悬浮系统采用直流磁轴承式结构,提供悬浮力。

如图1a和图1b所示,12/14 BSRM在结构上包括前侧结构、后侧结构和永磁体(Permanent Magnet, PM)。其中,前侧结构主要由8个等距分布的转矩定子极(约12.85°)、4个等距分布的悬浮定子极(约25.7°)和14个等距分布的凸极转子(约12.85°)构成。后侧结构主要由4个等距分布的悬浮定子极(约25.7°)和圆柱形转子组成。前侧凸极转子与后侧圆柱形转子轴向一体化设计。


图1 12/14 BSRM基本拓扑

Fig.1 Basic topology of 12/14 BSRM




2 12/14 BSRM悬浮特性分析

2.1 悬浮力-位置变化特征分析

针对12/14 BSRM悬浮系统,其前侧转子设计为多凸极结构,同时参与悬浮力和转矩的能量转换,在Ansys软件中构建有限元分析模型,模型参数见表1。

将转子极距作为一个分析研究周期。定义h为轴向长度,wr为凸极转子极宽,数值为aws为悬浮系统定子极宽,根据12/14 BSRM结构参数之间的物理关系,有ws=2wr=2ay1自由度为例,获得悬浮力特性如图2所示。



表1 有限元模型参数

Tab.1 Parameters of Finite element model

参 数数 值 气隙/mm0.5 转子外径/mm60 转子轭厚/mm8 转子极高/mm10 定子内径/mm61 定子外径/mm157 悬浮定子极高/mm40 悬浮定子轭厚/mm8 转矩定子极高/mm30 转矩定子轭厚/mm7 隔磁环厚度/mm6 转子极极弧度数/(°)12.85 转矩定子极极弧度数/(°)12.85 悬浮定子极极弧度数/(°)25.7


图2 基于有限元分析的悬浮力特性

Fig.2 Suspension force characteristics based on FEA


图3 忽略磁通多齿铰链的悬浮力模型

Fig.3 Suspension force model without considering flux multi teeth hinge

对比图2和图3可以看出,传统悬浮力模型忽略了边缘磁通变化对悬浮力的影响,仅能表征出主磁通与悬浮力的关系,无法揭示12/14 BSRM悬浮力值与转子位置的动态变化特征。

2.2 悬浮系统磁通铰链规律分析



图4 悬浮磁场典型分布

Fig.4 Typical distribution of suspension magnetic field










图5 典型位置下悬浮系统等效磁路

Fig.5 Equivalent magnetic circuit of for typical position

由图5可知,悬浮系统的等效磁路具有动态“变结构”特征,除了典型位置d和e的等效磁路相同外,每个典型位置下的悬浮系统等效磁路互不相同。现有悬浮力建模方法虽然考虑了边缘磁通影响,但建模过程仅针对定子与单一转子齿的铰链,构建出的悬浮力模型具有阶段性,难以有效揭示悬浮力的全周期变化特性(电机旋转过程中悬浮力随着转子位置的变化而产生变化,转子转过一个完整的电角度周期过程中悬浮力的变化特征称为悬浮力的全周期变化特征)。因此,需要探索12/14 BSRM悬浮力建模新方法。

3 新型12/14 BSRM悬浮系统建模方法




width=186.95,height=75 (2)


3.1 悬浮系统磁通密度解析



width=60.95,height=31 (3)


width=60.95,height=31 (4)


width=67.95,height=27 (5)

3.2 悬浮系统磁通面积解析



width=47,height=52 (6)









表2 边缘磁通铰链宽度

Tab.2 Hinge width of edge-flux value

ta=0tb=0.3Ttc=0.5Ttd=0.7Tte=0.8Ttf=T a1f00.4a0.4a000 a2f0.4a0.4a0000 a3f000000.4a af0.4a0.8a0.4a000.4a


width=53,height=33 (7)




图6 边缘磁通宽度波形

Fig.6 Waveform of edge-flux width

width=184,height=75 (8)


width=170,height=29 (9)


width=108,height=85 (10)


width=70,height=28 (11)

4 12/14 BSRM悬浮力数学模型验证


4.1 基于有限元分析的悬浮力数学模型验证



图7 基于有限元分析的悬浮力模型验证

Fig.7 Validation of levitation force model based on FEA

4.2 悬浮力数学模型的实验验证


12/14 BSRM中转矩系统和悬浮系统良好解耦效果[24],采用直接转矩-悬浮力控制策略[19],将控制系统分为独立控制的转矩系统和悬浮力系统。其中,转矩系统采用直接瞬时转矩控制方法,悬浮系统采用直接悬浮力控制方法。但由于本文建立的悬浮力模型中,自变量包括了动态时变的转子位置,因此需要在文献[19]的基础上,在悬浮控制系统中引入转子位置信号,形成悬浮系统全周期控制策略,如图8所示。图中,转子的位置信号q 由光电编码器测量获得,与转子的位移信号xy和悬浮绕组电流共同反馈给悬浮力转换模块,该模块由式(8)所示的全周期悬浮力模型构建。

基于上述悬浮系统的控制策略,开展12/14 BSRM的实验研究。图9为基于DSPACE的实验测试平台。


图8 悬浮系统全周期控制策略

Fig.8 Full-period control strategy of suspension system


图9 实验测试平台

图9 Experimental platform



图10 起浮实验

Fig.10 Floating experiment




图11 稳定悬浮实验对比

Fig.11 Comparison of stable suspension experiments


5 结论

本文针对12/14 BSRM的结构特征构建了一种全周期建模方法。首先通过有限元分析探明了磁场的全周期铰链规律,然后利用麦克斯韦应力法能够实现区域性建模的优势,提出了主-边磁路并行建模策略,揭示了边缘磁通的动态时变特性,构建了考虑转子位置约束的全周期悬浮力模型。最后通过有限元分析和实验对模型进行了验证,分析结果与原理样机实验结果表明:

1)悬浮力全周期模型精准地表示了12/14 BSRM的悬浮力特征,为悬浮力的精确控制奠定了基础。

2)利用该模型很好地实现了12/14 BSRM稳定悬浮,且相较于传统的悬浮力模型及控制系统,稳定悬浮精度更高。



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Suspension Force Modeling for 12/14 Bearingless Switched Reluctance Motor Considering Flux Multi Teeth Hinge

Yang Fan1 Yuan Ye1 Zhu Gui1 Sun Yukun1 Meng Fanbin2 Nan Yu2

(1. School of Electrical Information Engineering Jiangsu University Zhenjiang 212013 China 2. Kaifeng Power Supply Company State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Kaifeng 475000 China)

Abstract Bearingless switched reluctance motor (BSRM) has the characteristics of traditional switched reluctance motor and magnetic suspension bearing. Therefore, it has broad application prospects in flywheel batteries. The inherent coupling between suspension and torque exists in the traditional dual winding BSRM. Profuse kinds of topologies, such as 8/10 BSRM, 12/10 BSRM, and permanent magnet biased BSRM, have been proposed successively. The 12/14 BSRM is a representative topology of permanent magnet bias BSRM. However, the 12/14 BSRM suspension system generally adopts a simplified model. The magnetic flux of the 12/14 BSRM suspension system intersects with multiple rotor salient poles, which is subject to the dynamic constraints of the rotor position. Therefore, it is necessary to further explore the modeling method of 12/14 BSRM suspension force.

The operating principle and topology of 12/14 BSRM are analyzed. The stator of torque system is U-shaped structure, and torque is generated by the principle of minimum reluctance. The suspension system has four phases, which are the same as the working principle of magnetic bearings. The finite element analysis model is built in the ANSYS software, and the rotor pole distance is taken as an analysis cycle. The result of finite element analysis shows that the suspension force changes dynamically with the rotor position, and the suspension force presents a quasi sinusoidal distribution with the rotor position. However, the traditional suspension force model cannot reveal the dynamic characteristics of 12/14 BSRM suspension force and rotor position. Therefore, by analyzing the finite element results, the cross link law between the stator pole and the rotor pole in typical positions is obtained and the equivalent magnetic circuit of the suspension system is constructed.

The magnetic flux density of the suspension system is analyzed. The bias flux density is provided by the axial magnetized permanent magnetic ring, which is approximately constant. The control main flux density and control edge flux density in the control flux density are calculated respectively. The magnetic flux area of the suspension system, including the main magnetic flux area and the edge magnetic flux area, is calculated. The main flux area is constant, and the edge flux area is positively related to the edge flux width. The corresponding change curve is obtained according to the clear width change rule of the stator edge flux and rotor cross link. Fourier analysis is carried out and the fundamental wave is taken to obtain the analytical model of the area change of the edge magnetic flux. Comparing the finite element analysis value with the model calculation value, the full cycle suspension force model considering the flux multi tooth hinge constructed can describe the dynamic variation characteristics of the suspension force, which verifies the validity of the model.

Based on the full cycle suspension force model and the experimental test platform of DSPACE, the experimental research of 12/14 BSRM was carried out. The rotor floating time is about 40ms. The displacement amplitude after fluctuation is about 80mm. The suspension control precision and response speed are good. The displacement amplitude of the two degrees of freedom based on the full cycle suspension control system is 60mm, When the rotor is stably suspended. In the traditional suspension control system, the displacement amplitude of the rotor with two degrees of freedom is 80mm. The model is verified by finite element analysis and experiment, and the results show that the full cycle suspension force model accurately represents the suspension force characteristics of 12/14 BSRM, establishing the foundation for accurate control of suspension force. The control strategy of 12/14 BSRM for more accurate suspension utilization of the model is realized. Implemented 12/14 BSRM for more precise suspension control utilizing the model.

Keywords:Suspension flux, suspension force modeling, bearingless switched reluctance motor, Maxwell stress method, finite element analysis


DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.211928


收稿日期 2021-11-25

改稿日期 2022-02-22

作者简介 杨 帆 男,1991年生,博士研究生,研究方向为磁悬浮电机设计。

E-mail: 1170557230@qq.com

袁 野 男,1991年生,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为磁悬浮电机设计与非线性控制。

E-mail: 1000050003@ujs.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 崔文静)