EMI Radiated Noise Diagnosis and Estimation for HF Circuits |
Zhao Yang1, 2, Yan Wei1, Zhao Bo3, Luo Yongchao1, Li Shijin1 |
1. Nanjing Normal University Nanjing 210042 China 2. State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China3. Jiangsu Institute of Metrology Nanjing 210007 China |
Abstract Since it’s not easy to detect the radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI) mechanism of high frequency(HF) circuits by using far field-based measurement and also for the complexity of electromagnetic (EM) measurement, a diagnosis approach for radiation mechanism based on near field measurement together with an estimation approach for radiated EMI in space are presented in this paper for HF circuits. First, according to the relationship between the wave impedance achieved by near field EM probe measurement and the measured field point’s position, the radiation mechanism diagnosis could be realized on the use of performance analysis of common mode (CM) and differential mode (DM) radiation in near field. Next, considering the governing relation between the CM radiated current and its total EM field in space, the estimation approach could then be acquired based on RF common mode current measurement. Additionally, some experiments for different wireless communication devices and HF digital printed circuit boards are completed using above methods and also results are compared with chamber results which shows good agreement (error<5.13%), and thus good validity.
Received: 17 November 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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