Influence on 3-D Flow Field for SF6 Circuit Breaker With Different Numbers of Rotary-Gas Grooves |
Cao Yundong, Liu Yang, Liu Xiaoming, Wang Erzhi, Fu Si |
Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110178 China |
Abstract A novel chamber structure with rotary-gas grooves in the nozzle upstream is presented, which the traditional axial blowing arc is changed to rotary blowing arc. In this paper, 110kV SF6 circuit breaker is taken as the investigation model. Using finite volume method, the gas flow field of SF6 circuit breaker with different sturctures is calculated and the influence of the Rotary-gas groove structure on flow field is studied. The simulation results present that SF6 circuit breaker with Rotary-gas grooves has strong arc extinguishing capacity. In addition, keeping the flow in arc-quenching chamber unchanged and changing the numbers of the Rotary-gas grooves, it achieves the influencing rules of the velocity distribution. The theoretical basis for further studying the design of novel SF6 circuit breaker with Rotary-gas grooves is provided.
Received: 30 June 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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