Predictive Direct Power Control Strategy for Offshore Wind Power VSC-HVDC Converter |
Li Shuang, Wang Zhixin, Wang Guoqiang |
Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 200240 China |
Abstract The developed DPC scheme is based on predictive control theory to achieve direct control of instantaneous active and reactive power of the converter. For this purpose, at the beginning of each switching period in the sense of deadbeat control. Therefore it can eliminate the active and reactive power tracking errors at the end of switching period. Meanwhile, combined with space vector modulation (SVM) and the DC bus voltage outer-loop analysis and design, it can obtain the predictive direct power control strategy (P-DPC). When compared to the traditional DPC method, the main features of the proposed P-DPC method, are that it does not need to detect the grid voltage vector position (such as phase-locked loop-PLL, etc.), transfer them into synchronous rotating reference frame and inner-current loop decoupling control. Its switching frequency is fixed. The uncompleted decoupling problem caused by interference of tracking errors and inaccurate parameters are well solved, that improve the system's stability. The unity power factor operation can be realized in stationary reference frame. A PWM-VSC model is set up in Matlab/simulation software, and the results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed control methods, which can available for reference in offshore VSC-HVDC engineering.
Received: 28 December 2010
Published: 28 November 2013
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