A New DC Vacuum Current Limiting Circuit Breaker and Its Dielectric Recovery Characteristics |
Xu Guoshun, Jiang Zhuangxian, Zhuang Jinwu, Wang Chen, Wu Jin, Liu Luhui, Wu Hongjiang |
Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract An improved scheme of forced artificial current zero is proposed, with a freewheel diode connected in reverse parallel to the high speed vacuum breaker. To solve the problem that traditional vacuum breaker met in breaking high d#em/em#/(dt) short circuit current, a zero recovery period is obtained which can greatly improves the dielectric recovery of the vacuum interrupter. Thus, high d#em/em#/(dt) short circuit current can be shut down immediately after the vacuum interrupter opens. The working principle of the new topology is analyzed and a high speed diving mechanism along with a reverse circuit are designed. Vacuum dielectric recovery test is conducted to proved the feasibility of the scheme. Finally, a 1kV/400A prototype is developed and breaking test with d#em/em#/(dt) of 5A/µs is performed and the short circuit current is limited to be below 2.5kA.
Received: 30 November 2011
Published: 28 November 2013
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