Design Methods of Intrinsically Safe Buck Converter Based on the Maximum Output Power |
Liu Shulin, Hao Yumeng, Li Yan, You Mengran |
College of Electrical and Control Engineering Xi’an University of Science & Technology Xi’an 710054 China |
Abstract Aiming at the complicated design method of the existing intrinsically safe Buck converter, this paper analyzes the intrinsic characteristics of the converter and its relationship with inductance and load, and points out the range of inductance values that meet the electrical performance index and intrinsic safety performance. As the load resistance decreases, and the maximum and minimum values of the inductor are equal, the corresponding load resistance is the minimum load resistance. The analytical expression of the minimum load resistance is derived and the maximum converter is derived. Intrinsically safe output power. The analysis shows the four-dimensional relationship between maximum power and input, output voltage and switching frequency. Based on this, three convenient design methods for different electrical performance index requirements and design goals were proposed, at the same time, the maximum output power was obtained under different given conditions. The design example was given. The simulation and experimental verification of the intrinsic safety performance evaluation system and the spark test platform were carried out, which proves the theoretical analysis and the feasibility of the proposed design method.
Received: 26 November 2019
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