The Research on Fast Prediction and Suppression Measures of Commutation Failure Based on Voltage Waveform Fitting |
Wang Zengping, Liu Xiyang, Zheng Bowen, Li Yongguang |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid Beijing Power Supply Company Beijing 100031 China |
Abstract In order to reduce the probability of commutation failure of HVDC transmission system, a commutation failure fast prediction and suppression measure based on voltage waveform fitting is proposed. Firstly, based on the theory of commutation voltage-time area, the mathematical analysis of the commutation demand area and the minimum supplied area can be derived and used as the commutation failure prediction criterion. The voltage waveform before and after the fault is fitted by the three-point method, therefore realizing real-time quantitative analysis of the proposed commutation failure prediction method. Then, an advanced firing control strategy based on the critical commutation area is proposed, and the angle of the advanced firing can be adjusted according to the dynamic change of the critical commutation area. Finally, the simulation results based on the CIGRE standard test model show that the proposed method can not only achieve fast prediction of commutation failure, but also suppress the occurrence of commutation failure to some extent and improve the system's fault recovery performance.
Received: 25 June 2019
Published: 07 April 2020
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