Electromagnetic Interference Filter Design of Single-Phase Inverter Based on the Noise Source Impedance Extraction |
Jiang Shiqi1, Liu Yitao1, Yin Shan2, Peng Jianchun1 |
1. College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering Shenzhen University Shenzhen 518000 China; 2. Microsystem and Terahertz Research Center China Academy of Engineering Physics Chengdu 610200 China |
Abstract This paper studied a method of extracting the Electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise source impedance of a single-phase inverter. Based on this, an effective EMI filter design method was proposed. This approach allows accurate filter requirements analysis and design to take the effects of common mode (CM) and differential mode (DM) noise source impedances into account. In order to further improve the accuracy of noise source impedance detection and the effectiveness of filter design, this paper also used the RLC impedance analyzer to accurately analyze the impedance frequency characteristics of the test components. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of this method was tested in simulation and experiment based on a single-phase SiC MOSFET inverter. The results show that the EMI filter designed by the proposed method has strong pertinence and high reliability without time-consuming rectification.
Received: 27 June 2018
Published: 20 September 2019
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