Multi-Objective Optimization of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With Partition Between Poles Halbach Magnet |
Fan Jianjian, Wu Jianhua, Shen Lei, Zhao Peng |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract In order to reduce the difficulty of processing and optimize the air-gap flux density, a surface mounted partition between poles Halbach magnet of permanent magnet synchronous motor is designed. The influence between the parameters of partition between poles Halbach magnet and the waveform of air-gap flux density is systematically analyzed. For the characteristics of these parameters have influence on both fundamental amplitude and total harmonic distortion of air-gap flux density, proposing a multi-objective optimization methods for parameters of this type of magnet. In order to require both relative maximum of fundamental amplitude and relative minimum of total harmonic distortion of air-gap flux density, a mixed global optimization algorithm is designed. On this basis, the way to choose the best parameters of partition between poles Halbach magnet is proposed. The correctness of the way to choose the result of optimization is verified, and the superiority of the partition between poles Halbach magnet is also verified further through FEA and experimentation respectively.
Received: 20 December 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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