Optimization of Units’ Restoration Sequence during Network Reconfiguration Process Based on Robust Optimization |
Jiao Jie, Liu Yan |
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract Current power systems mainly consist of thermal units, the length of units’ recovery time after blackout determines the effect of network reconfiguration significantly. In response to this problem, aiming at the possible delay when units prepare to start and start up. In this paper, the robust optimization model for units’ restoration sequence is set up which considers uncertain units start time, and treat insufficient electricity as optimization goal during minimum reconfiguration period. Then, crossover particle swarm algorithm and CPLEX optimization solution are combined to solve this model. Based on this, a units’ recovery sequence which can quantitative characterization effort of recovery and operation reliability can be received. Providing the reference for dispatcher to cope with the worst possible restore hysteretic scene. Further, for the proposed units’ recovery sequence given by dispatcher, they can get the probability of successful implementation estimated by operating experience and obtained the key steps by CPLEX to ensure recovery effect. The outcome of its application on the New England 10-unit 39-bus power system and a region grid indicate the validity of the method proposed.
Received: 06 July 2016
Published: 20 June 2017
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