The Mechanism and Influence of Harmonic Instability for Photovoltaic Grid-Connected System |
Zhu Xiaojuan, Hu Haitao, Tao Haidong, He Zhengyou |
School of Electrical Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract The harmonic instability problem would arise from the interaction between power supply system and voltage source inverter (VSI) in the fields of photovoltaic (PV) or wind power generation. This paper studies the mechanism and influence laws of the harmonic instability via Input Admittance Criterion (IAC) of impedance-based analysis. The equivalent VSI impedance model of PV grid-connected system has been conducted to demonstrate the factors of harmonic instability in terms of active and passive damping. The model of PV grid-connected system is established on the basis of Matlab/Simulink platform to check the impacts of the critical factors on the behaviors of the harmonic instability (i.e., proportional parameters Kp, total time delay Td, passive damping Rd and grid-side inductance Lg). Simulation results indicate that the harmonic instability occurs when the value of VSI damping is negative within the threshold range. The unstable domain is calculated by IAC to predict the harmonic instability.
Received: 14 October 2016
Published: 26 May 2017
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