Multi-Area Power System State Estimation Based on Partial Information Fusion and Estimate Projection |
Cai Yongzhi, Chen Haoyong, Wan Chulin |
School of Electric Power South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China |
Abstract In multi-area interconnected power systems,the centralized estimation is difficult to implement because of the high state variable dimension and the large measurement data processing.This paper proposes a new algorithm of multi-area power system state estimation based on partial information fusion and estimate projection.In the proposed algorithm,each subarea individually obtains local estimates by implementing weighted least square iteration,and sends the local estimates of the boundary bus states to the coordination center.The coordination center applies least square fusion algorithm to calculate the coordinated estimates of total boundary bus states.According to the coordinated estimates of the boundary bus states,each subarea can further correct the local estimates of the internal states.The proposed algorithm can be implemented in the power system with PMU or without PMU.Moreover,the proposed algorithm only needs very few communication data,which also can be easy to implement.The test simulation results have proved that the proposed algorithm has good estimation accuracy and real-time property.
Received: 14 July 2015
Published: 19 January 2017
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