Source-Load Coordination Optimal Model Considering Wind Power Consumptive Benefits Based on Bi-Level Programming |
Wen Jing1, Liu Wenying1, Xie Chang2, Wang Weizhou3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China; 3. State Grid Gansu Provincial Electric Power Research Institute Lanzhou 730050 China |
Abstract With large-scale wind power access, its stochastic and intermittent increases the regulation pressure of conventional power, and the characteristic of reverse distribution with conventional energy also makes the regulation ability of conventional power constrained by transmission channel, and results in wind power consumptive blocked. This paper uses the high energy load as an important means of wind power consumptive, and combines the optimal scheduling of conventional power with the optimal allocation of high energy load, and establishes a bi-level optimal model with the source-load coordination benefits maximized which including the system operation cost, the adjustment cost of high energy load, and the wind power consumptive benefits. The operation situation of conventional power and the scheduling plan of wind power are calculated by the upper model; and then, the lower model is to determine appropriate high energy load to consume blocked wind power effectively and minimize adjustment cost at the same time with regard to the wind power consumptive blocked caused by lacking of conventional power regulating capacity. According to the difference between the decision variables of upper level model and lower level model, the hybrid intelligent optimization algorithm which combines the improved genetic algorithm with the binary particle swarm algorithm is used to solve this model. The simulation results of actual power grid verified the feasibility and effectiveness of this model.
Received: 14 April 2013
Published: 25 May 2015
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