Design for U-Shaped Zinc Ring to Restrain Electrolytic Corrosion of V-String Ceramic Insulators’ Caps for DC System |
Luo Ling1,Zhang Fuzeng2,Li Ruihai2,Wang Liming1,Guan Zhicheng1,Li Licheng1 |
1. Tsinghua University Shenzhen 518055 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute China Southern Power Grid Guangzhou 510080 China |
Abstract Recent years, Chusui, Fufeng, Tianguang, Gaozhao, Xing’an and other. HVDC transmission lines appeared electrolytic corrosion phenomenon in China. The validity of U-shaped zinc ring to restrain caps’ electrolytic corrosion is tested and verified in this paper. The influence of zinc ring size on inhibitory effect was researched with accelerated electrolytic corrosion tests, and the reason that size zinc rings with the same size had different inhibitory effects on different tonnage insulators is explained from the view of caps’ curvature radius and water pocket characteristics. Test results indicate that the installation of U-shaped zinc ring is useful to the caps’ electrolytic corrosion. The inhibitory effect of zinc rings with the same size on larger caps curvature radius insulator is better than smaller ones. The proposed U-shaped zinc ring size and operation life is given in this paper.
Received: 15 September 2013
Published: 14 April 2015
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