A Novel Algorithm for Building Z-Matrix of Electric Power Network Including CCCS |
Feng Tianmin, Liu Baozhu, Bao Hai |
North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract The current of current-controlled current source (CCCS) branch is controlled by the current of another branch, which makes it difficult to build the node impedances matrix (Z-matrix). To solve this problem, a novel algorithm for building Z-matrix is put forward. The relationships between the current injection, node voltage, branch current and branch voltage are lucubrated to in this paper. Three transitional matrices are introduced: branch current vs. current injection matrix MIJ, node voltage vs. branch voltage matrix MVU and node voltage vs. branch current matrix MVI. These three matrices cooperating to the kron reduction methods made it to build Z-matrix. This algorithm can easily deal with large networks containing CCCS branches. The main structure of the algorithm is illustrated with the help of a 7-bus system and is validated by several IEEE testing systems. The results show that this algorithm is effective. So it will be a new sustaining tool for further research by using Z-matrix.
Received: 12 June 2008
Published: 11 February 2014
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