Iron Loss and Air Friction Loss for High Speed Permanent Magnet Claw Pole Machines |
Liu Guangwei1,Zhao Xingang1,Zhang Fengge1,Zhao Xin1,Wenping Cao2 |
1. Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China; 2. Queen’s University Belfast Belfast BT95AH U.K. |
Abstract Due to high frequency power supply, the iron loss of high speed machine is more serious than conventional machine, and the problem of air friction loss caused by high speed rotation is critical also. In addition, because of complicated structure and three-dimension flux distribution, the loss calculation model of the high speed claw pole machine should be researched with considering some factors such as three-dimension magnetization, high frequency harmonic and high speed rotation. Firstly, the characteristics of flux distribution is analyzed by three-dimension finite element simulation software. Secondly, the iron loss model is built in consideration of effect of three-dimension quadrature alternating magnetization and harmonic, and the results of the finite element analysis validate accuracy of calculation model; then the influence factors of air friction loss are researched, which are rotor speed, rotor surface smoothness and axial wind speed. Lastly, according to test of prototype, the accuracy of calculation method of iron loss and air friction loss is verified.
Received: 10 June 2014
Published: 14 April 2015
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