Precise Small-Signal Modeling and Controller Design of Energy Feedback for Flywheel Energy Storage System |
Feng Yi,Lin Heyun,Fang Shuhua,Lu Xiaoquan |
Engineering Research Center for Motion Control of MOE Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract The flywheel energy storage system(FESS) driven by a brushless DC machine (BLDCM) is appropriate to smooth the output of wind power generation system(WPGS), the energy feedback of which can be realized by Boost circuit formed by the half bridge control. The average model of the energy feedback process of such a FESS is established, based on which the effects of several parameters on the DC bus voltage are analyzed. Considering the nonlinearity, the accurate linear small-signal model about the quiescent operating point is plotted, and the small-signal transfer functions of the control-to-voltage, EMF-to-voltage and energy state-to-voltage are derived. The Bode diagram of the loop gain of the voltage regulator system is drawn, according to which the DC capacitor and PID compensator with inertia unit simplified from lag-lead compensator as well as the parameters of the controller are determined. The operation of the FESS driven by the BLDCM connected to a WPGS is analyzed by Matlab/Simulink, and the simulated results illustrate that the designed controller can basically maintain the DC voltage at its rated value, improving the steady-state and dynamic performances of energy feedback of the FESS.
Received: 20 August 2014
Published: 14 April 2015
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