Control Strategy of a Modular Multilevel Converter Based on Coupled Inductor |
Yuan Yisheng,Zhu Benyu |
East China Jiao tong University Nanchang 330013 China |
Abstract This paper introduces a novel structure of modular multilevel converter(MMC) with a coupled(center-tapped) inductor, and describes its operating performance. Since the upper and lower bridge arms are strictly symmetric, the fundamental currents are anti-phase, then it results that the voltages on inductors are largely reduced with using the coupled inductor, which also effectively suppress the circulating current. An improved method of sorting voltages of capacitors not only is conducive to the balance of charging and discharging of capacitors, but also can stabilize the DC current. At last Matlab/Simulink simulation results of a MMC with 10 sub-modules in each phase, show the advantages of using the coupled inductor and the validity of the improved sorting method.
Received: 25 October 2013
Published: 10 April 2015
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