A Combined Forecasting Model for Range of Wind Power Fluctuation Based on Fuzzy Information Granulation and Least Squares Support Vector Machine |
Wang He1,Hu Zhijian2,Zhang Menglin2 |
1. Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083 China 2. Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract The paper has put forward a combined modeling method of forecasting the range of wind power fluctuation based on fuzzy information granulation and least squares support vector machine. In this method,firstly,the theory of fuzzy information granulation is applied in processing the training samples. The valid information of components of each window,namely the minimum value,the general average value and the maximum value of each window,is extracted according to different demands. Secondly,with regard to each component,forecasting model is built respectively with least squares support vector machine and the model of each component is then optimized with adaptive particle swarm optimization. Finally,the range of wind power fluctuation is forecasted with optimized least squares support vector machine. Case study demonstrates that the combined forecasting model is able to track wind power variation to make a forecast of wind power fluctuation.
Received: 05 September 2012
Published: 22 January 2015
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