Abstract The large penetration of wind farm into interconnected power systems may cause the severe problem of tie-line power oscillations. Large DFIG-based wind power generation system can control active and reactive power independently, and can add control signals to the active power control loop to adjust the active power output of the wind power system, so as to damp system power oscillation. This paper utilises the wide-area measurement data and selects suitable feedback signals for implementing a quick wide-area time-delay damping control against potential power oscillations. The linearised model of power systems is established taking the unavoidable transmission time delay of the wide-area measurement signals into consideration. The paper obtains the standard time-delay robust control method of the linearised model based free-weighting matrices, and the formula can be solved by linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). On the basis of the method, the papar designs a wide-area time-delay state feed back controller.The controller parameters are optimised by the proposed LMI-iterated solution algorithm. Combined with the theory of state observation, a new wide-area time-delay output feedback controller is obtained. A simulation model for a inter-area power system with wind farm integrated is built based on the four-machine two-area benchmark test system. The results of time-domain simulation show that the derived wide-area time-delay damping controller can damp inter-area oscillation efficiently.
Zhang Ziyong,Hu Zhijian,Liu Yukai. Additional Robust Damping Control of Large Scale DFIG-Based Wind Power Generation System with Wide-Area Signals' Time-Varying Delay Influence[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(4): 246-255.
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