Design of Electric Energy Collecting Charger Based on SCM |
Wu Kehan, He Yigang |
Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract This paper introduces a kind of design and program implementation of the energy collecting charger based on SCM. As an energy collecting charger, In order to make the electric current flow into the rechargeable Battery as large as possible, the system collect energy from a DC power supply. Controlling the Switching Power Supply to adjust the changing of the Wide voltage, Reduce power consumption of the Power converter, Knowing the Work status of the Electric circuit from the Diode. The microprocessor is a piece of SCM. To solve the SCM and the charging module grounding Problem, we put an photo coupler in it. Real-time-adjusting the Pulse Width, Using the PD algorithm. At last it get the output as large as possible.
Received: 11 October 2013
Published: 22 May 2014
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