Analysis with Anti-Islanding Performance of Grid-Connected Inverters Based on Drooped PLL |
Kan Jiarong1, Luo Yunhu2, Xie Shaojun2, Gu Chunlei1, Wu Yunya1, Yao Zhilei1 |
1. Yancheng Institute of Technology Yancheng 224051 China 2. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract The grid-connected inverter which employs phase lock loop (PLL) with drooped characteristic can obtain unity power factor. However, the islanding can’t be detected when the resonant frequency of parallel RLC load is in the range of normal power grid frequency. Compared to other islanding detecting method, this zone is relatively larger. In order to decrease the NDZ, an improved PLL is proposed, which introduces a phase difference disturbance to the drooped PLL. The principle of parameters selecting is given and the NDZ of the improved PLL strategy is significant decreased. The simulation and experimental results verify that the proposed method is effective for islanding detection without affecting the quality of grid current.
Received: 15 April 2011
Published: 25 March 2014
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