Variable Parameter Equivalent Modeling Method of Wind Farms Under Wind Speed Fluctuations |
Su Xunwen1, 2, Xu Dianguo1, Bu Shupo3 |
1. Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China 2. Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology Haerbin 150027 China 3. Suzhou Institute of Industrial Technology Suzhou 215104 China |
Abstract In order to solve reactive power error of wind farm equivalent model under wind speed fluctuations, a variable parameter equivalent modeling method is proposed for wind farms with fixed-speed wind turbines. For fixed capacitor and grouping switching capacitor of reactive power compensation at its terminals, calculation method of variable parameter capacitor is deduced, and the structure of the equivalent model and simulation modeling process of equivalent model are provided. Thus a wind farm variable parameter model is obtained. Through simulations and comparisons with the general equivalent methods, results show that the proposed variable parameters equivalent modeling method is valid. The proposed equivalent model of wind farm can response more accurately wind speed fluctuation characteristics at point of interconnection of wind farm.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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