Abstract With the development of science and technology, multi-converter systems are more and more popular in complex applications, and cascade is the most common connection mode. The stability of cascaded system (including small-signal stability and large-signal stability) is the key factor for reliable operation. Because of the nonlinear characteristic of power electronic converter, it is extremely difficult to analyze the large-signal stability of single stage and cascaded system directly. So, a simple and effective large-signal model is necessary for the large-signal stability analysis. Based on the energy conservation law, this paper proposes a novel large-signal model for Boost converter with peak current-mode control. This averaged model achieves order reduction and unification under different operation modes(such as CCM and DCM) under large signal disturbance. It is suitable to model and analyze the large signal stability of single stage and cascaded system due to its simplicity. The feasibility of proposed model is verified by simulation and experimental results.
Du Weijing,Zhang Junming,Zhang Yang等. A Novel Model for the Large-signal Stability Analysis of Boost Converter[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(3): 188-194.
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