Simulation and Analysis of Potential Distribution of Iced Composite Insulator Based on Finite Element Method |
LI Weiguo1, 2, Hao Yanpeng1, Xiong Guokun1, Zhao Yuming3, Luo Bing3 |
1. South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China 2. Maintenance & Test Center of EHV Power Transmission Compang China Southern Power Grid Guangzhou 510663 China 3. Electric Power Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. Guangzhou 510080 China |
Abstract There are few investigations on the potential and electric field distribution of the iced composite insulator at home and abroad. It is very important for the design, operation and maintenance of iced insulators to calculate the potential distribution along iced composite insulator and the geometric parameter of the grading ring. In this paper, the research of the potential distribution of the iced composite insulator on 220kV transmission lines is carried out through the quasi-static field finite element method. The two-dimensional axial symmetry models of the iced composite insulator were given by Ansys. After changing the length and thickness of ice on the composite insulator, the potential distribution is studied and the differences of the potential distribution between the dry ice and wet ice are analyzed. At the same time, we investigated the effect of the grading ring for improving the evenness of the potential distribution on the iced composite insulator by changing the parameters of the grading ring. The results show that the aberration of potential distribution line becomes more serious, as the ice grows, before the large sheds are bridged. When the large sheds are completely bridged, the change of the potential distribution is the most significant. In addition, the calculation results show that the unevenness of wet ice’s potential distribution is more serious than the dry ice’s, and the dry ice is affected by the ice thickness more significantly than the wet ice. Finally, the reasonable geometric parameter of the grading ring for the iced composite insulator is put forward.
Received: 08 November 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
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