Abstract Aimed at the insufficient capacity of mitigating electric arc furnaces(EAF) flicker problems for the traditional double-closed-loop control mode of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), this paper calculates the compensation current command which achieves the minimum voltage fluctuation by analyzing the various EAF distribution network voltage and current phasor, and directly calculates the control voltage command according to the principle of the network instantaneous power equal to the STATCOM instantaneous power. So the STATCOM controller is less three PI regulators than the traditional dual-loop control mode, and the response time from the original 20ms is reduced to 10ms, so it improves the ability of voltage flicker suppression. Simulation and actual operating results verify that the proposed control strategy in this paper is effective and correct.
Liu Huadong,Zhang Dinghua,Tang Jianyu等. Research on Direct Voltage Control of STATCOM for Mitigating Electric Arc Furnaces Flicker[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2012, 27(9): 41-47.
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