Sensorless Control of PFC Rectifiers for a PMSG Wind Generation System |
Ma Yingtao1, Sun Xudong1, Chai Jianyun1, Zhai Qingzhi2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Systems Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 2. China Agricultural University Beijing 10083 China |
Abstract In order to overcome the drawbacks such as high current harmonics and uncontrollable output voltage of the permanent magnetic synchronous generator(PMSG) with a diode rectifier in a small wind generation system, a controllable rectifying system is used which employs one-phase power factor correction(PFC) circuit for each phase of the PMSG. Its sensorless control strategy is advanced. The electromotive force(EMF) of the PMSG is reconstructed based on the models of the PMSG and the PFC circuits; the rotor flux linkage is observed by using an equivalent integrator which simply delays the EMF signal for 90°, and the phase angle for current control of the PFC circuit is derived from the rotor flux linkage by using a phase locked loop(PLL). Results of both simulation and experiments on a 2kW prototype platform verify that the PFC circuit adopting the control strategy can effectively suppress the harmonics in PMSG currents and keep the output DC voltage constant.
Received: 28 June 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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