Abstract This paper overviews advances on permanent magnet (PM) brushless machines over last 30 years, with particular reference to new and novel machine topologies. These include current states and trends for surface-mounted and interior PM machines, electrically and mechanically adjusted variable flux PM machines including memory machine, hybrid PM machines which uniquely integrate PM technology into induction machines, switched and synchronous reluctance machines and wound field machines, Halbach PM machines, dual-rotor PM machines, and magnetically geared PM machines, etc. The paper highlights their features and applications to various market sectors.
Received: 01 March 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
About author:: Professor Z.Q. Zhu(诸自强), Fellow IEEE, PhD, Professor at The University of Sheffield, UK. Major research interests include design, control, and applications of brushless permanent magnet machines and drives for applicantions ranging from automotive to renewable energy. |
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