Hardware-in-Loop Research of Three-Level Direct Torque Control Scheme for Electric Traction Drive System |
Song Wensheng, Feng Xiaoyun, Hou Liming, Ge Xinglai |
Southwest Jiao Tong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract A direct torque control (DTC) scheme of traction induction motor based on PI controller and space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) in 60° coordinate frame is adopted for traction system supplied by three-level diode neutral point clamped(NPC) inverter in high speed electrical multiple units (EMU). Firstly, in order to obtain a perfect torque performance, a modified U-I integration stator flux observer is presented, and the torque and stator flux control schemes based on PI controller are shown. Secondly, SVPWM in 60° coordinate frame is designed in detail, which can reduce calculation times effectively compared with traditional SVPWM. On basis of this, to balance the DC-link capacitors’ voltages, duty ratio times of redundancy small vectors are allocated by regulating neutral point control factor. Finally, validity and feasibility of the three-level direct torque control scheme based on PI controller and SVPWM in 60° coordinate frame are verified by Matlab/Simulink software simulation and Hardware-in-loop experiment of traction experimental prototype for high speed EMU based on TMS320F2812 and dSPACE.
Received: 03 October 2010
Published: 19 March 2014
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