Abstract In renewable energy integration filed, the grid voltage synchronization signal should be fed back to the grid-tied converter for reliable operation. The frequency and phase information of the grid voltage, and the dq components of the positive and negative sequence are also needed for the converter control. Due to the limited performance of frequency detection and fundamental component separation of the decoupled double synchronous reference frame phase lock loop(DDSRF-PLL) under harmonic condition, a grid voltage synchronization method based on decoupled multiple synchronous reference frame PLL(DMSRF-PLL) is proposed. This DMSRF-PLL employs the positive, negative sequence and low-order harmonics dq transformation and their decoupling to achieve high speed and high performance output under asymmetric and harmonic condition for frequency, phase pick up positive and negative sequence dq components. The measured results verified the performance of the proposed DMSRF-PLL method under complex grid condition.
Li Shanhu,Du Xiong,Wang Liping等. A Grid Voltage Synchronization Method Based on Decoupled Multiple Synchronous Reference Frame[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2011, 26(12): 183-189.
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