A Fault Diagnosis Approach for Analog Circuits Based on Wavelet Fractal Analysis and Ridgelet Network |
Xiao Yingqun, He Yigang |
Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract A novel ridgelet network approach for diagnosing faults of analog circuits is proposed. This systematic approach is performed in such way that utilizing wavelet fractal analysis, PCA and data normalization preprocess the fault response signals and using ridgelet network classifies the faulty components. Meanwhile, the PCA method is used for selecting the reasonable numbers of ridgelet units of hidden layer of related networks. The simulation results show that the proposed diagnostic system can perform analog fault diagnosis effectively, and can diagnose not only the single faults and but also the multiple faults effectively.
Received: 15 April 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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