Feature Information Extraction of Air-Gap Discharge in Oil-Paper Insulation and Its Process Partition |
Chen Weigen1, Wei Chao1, 2, Ling Yun1, Wang Youyuan1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China 2. Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute Corporation Limited Nanjing 211102 China |
Abstract Oil-paper insulation system is the most common insulation method of oil-immersed high voltage electrical equipment. And the event of partial discharge can lead to aging and disruption of the insulation, so understanding the emergence and development of partial discharge in time can find internal latent fault and judge its development of electrical equipments. The paper does research on the air-gap discharge in the oil-paper insulation, and use kernel principal component analysis method to reduce the dimension of statistical attribute parameters and extract the new characteristic parameters. The sample signals at different times during the development process of discharge are adopted to cluster the new characteristic parameters. According to the information generated at different periods of the process combined with the clustering results, the partial discharge development process can be divided into initial discharge stage, discharge development stage, discharge stabilization stage and pre-breakdown stage.
Received: 23 May 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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