A Control Method of Current Mode Four-Leg Switching Power Amplifier |
Li Xiangsheng, Deng Zhiquan, Chen Zhida, Fei Qingzhao |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract To enhance integration degree and power density, three-phase four-leg topology is applied in switching power amplifier. Based on this topology, a general current control scheme is presented. It makes three output currents change respectively to track input signals by controlling the node potential of each leg. And it is easy to obtain the duty cycles of each PWM signal directly from each potential, so the proposed scheme, which can be extended to the control of random multi-leg converter with a neutral leg, needs small arithmetic operations and can be easily implemented. Three representative methods to distribute four node potentials are summarized. Their influences on the current ripples and total switching times are analysed, and the compensation for the dead time effect due to the snubber circuit is also qualitatively analysed. This control method is validated by simulation and experimental results.
Received: 10 August 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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